The mission of Guttenberg Housing Authority is to provide adequate and affordable housing, economic opportunity and a suitable living environment free from discrimination and an atmosphere that promotes educational growth and family stability.
Provide an environment of hope and opportunity to its family residents in their quest to self- actualize
Efficiently manage and maintain its public housing and other subsidized housing, as well as administer its subsidy programs
Provide services to the elderly and disabled that allows them to remain in their independent living environment for as long as humanly possible Ensure that all residents reside in a safe and secure environment
Ensure that all residents reside in a safe and secure environment
The Guttenberg Housing Authority manages and operates four housing complexes which are subsidized under the federal Public Housing Program. The program provides an annual operating subsidy to assist the Guttenberg Housing Authority in covering the expenses associated with operating low-income housing. The
Guttenberg Housing Authority also receives an annual Capital Fund allocation that it utilizes to make capital improvements at public housing sites.
Finally, the Guttenberg Housing Authority also manages the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program. HCV (Also known as Section 8 program) is designed to help income eligible families pay rent to their private landlords.
Please contact our office for a list of approved Section 8 landlords in the Town of Guttenberg.